Showing: 1 - 15 of 3,936 matching records for MS17344
Alvatek Stock # Mfg Part # Image Brand Description In Stock1 Unit Price Order Qty Add to Cart
4L0-36DB-7A MS17344C12C5P Mil-Spec Connector Plug 19 $832.03
4L1-88F1-9A MS17344C12C5PY Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $894.66
4L1-C1EE-6A MS17344C12C5PZ Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $894.66
4L8-EA7F-BA MS17344C12C5S Mil-Spec Connector Plug 7 $837.98
4LB-069D-2A MS17344C12C5SY Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $901.06
4LF-F93F-7A MS17344C12C5SZ Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $901.06
4L8-B553-DA MS17344C12N5P Mil-Spec Connector Plug 16 $832.03
4LB-3292-EA MS17344C12N5PY Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $894.66
4LA-382D-0A MS17344C12N5PZ Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $894.66
4LA-C4CD-FA MS17344C12N5S Mil-Spec Connector Plug 3 $837.98
4L5-1ECA-6A MS17344C12N5SY Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $901.06
4L4-C3F4-DA MS17344C12N5SZ Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $901.06
4L3-6B28-6A MS17344C14C3P Mil-Spec Connector Plug 2 $641.39
4L7-B9E3-0A MS17344C14C3PY Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $689.66
4LE-04D7-6A MS17344C14C3PZ Mil-Spec Connector Plug Call $689.66
Showing: 1 - 15 of 3,936 matching records for MS17344

Certain "In Stock" items may require pre-assembly or transportation to our central distribution center before the parts can ship. Most military cylindrical connectors are assembled from component form to the military specifications called out by the part number. Check the "Item Ships" column in the shopping cart for an estimate.

Non-Cancelable, Non-Returnable (NC/NR) refers to product purchased under the understanding that specifies once the order is placed, the buyer is not allowed to make any cancellations or reductions to the order, nor is the buyer allowed to return product (except for warranty resulting from product defects).

Orders are shipped Monday through Friday during regular business hours of 8am to 5pm EST. Delivery time is from point of order fulfillment, not order placement.

Alvatek reserves the right to limit or cancel any order, and has sold discretion to allocate sales, limit qualities of selected products, and limit selected products to its customers. Alvatek reserves the right to reject any order or any part of an order. Product availability is subject to change or cancellation without prior notice due to component availability or other changes outside of Alvatek's control.